Criminal Intelligence Service Austria

Das Bundeskriminalamt
Criminal Intelligence Service Austria

Criminal Intelligence Service Austria, abbreviated to BK, stands for a modern, Austria-wide fight against crime, at both national and international level and is the contact point for any police cooperation.

In 2003, Criminal Intelligence Service Austria became operational. Its legal basis is the Act on the Establishment and Organisation of Criminal Intelligence Service Austria. In its function as the central police authority in Austria, Criminal Intelligence Service Austria provides support services and controlling to all provincial CIDs and subordinate police stations.

At present, 700 employees work in seven departments at Criminal Intelligence Service Austria.

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27.09.2024, 16:00


International Forensic Science Expert Conference in Vienna

From 18 to 20 September 2024, the Forensic Science Sub-Department at Criminal Intelligence Service Austria (BK) hosted a three-day expert conference in Vienna, Austria. Over 150 experts and various international guests attended the 30th meeting of the Firearms and Gunshot Residue Working Group of the European Network of Forensic Science Institutes (ENFSI).

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24.09.2024, 14:31

Fight against crime

Online child sexual abuse – a search for the needle in the digital haystack

In 2023, investigators from the Sexual Offences and Online Child Sexual Abuse Unit of Criminal Intelligence Service Austria successfully identified 464 suspects and 35 victims in cooperation with the Provincial CIDs. Two sniffer dogs assisted the police officers in detecting hidden digital storage devices.

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24.06.2024, 14:27

Crime prevention

Global action week against human trafficking

Between 3 and 9 June 2024, global Joint Action Days took place targeting trafficking in human beings for the purpose of sexual exploitation, forced begging and other offences. 40 countries participated, 219 suspects were arrested and 1,374 victims were identified.

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07.06.2024, 09:00

Information Security

International workshop on fighting ransomware at Criminal Intelligence Service Austria (BK)

On 6 June 2024, the BK’s Cybercrime Competence Center (C4) hosted the Western Balkans Outreach Workshop in Vienna as part of the International Counter Ransomware Initiative (CRI). The workshop was aimed at involving the Western Balkan countries in the international initiative to combat ransomware.

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05.06.2024, 14:48


50 Years of Crime Prevention

Criminal Intelligence Service Austria celebrated 50 years of crime prevention with a ceremony on 4 June 2024. During this event, attendees reflected on the past five decades and the future of crime prevention.

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