Types of Crime and Investigations


Cybercrime is on the rise globally and affects Austria as well. Attack scenarios become technically more and more sophisticated. IT progress is constantly changing the means and quality of crime instruments. In addition, the possibilities of anonymisation, encryption and unlimited availability of the Internet massively facilitate the spreading of cybercrime. The darknet has favoured and catalysed the emergence of criminal services in the form of ”cybercrime as a service“. With the development of these criminal tools, it has become possible for virtually everyone to commit cybercrime attacks.

Cybercrime is a very comprehensive term. A universally valid definition does not exist. Generally, it comprises all offences that make use of information and communication technology (ICT) or are directed against ICT. Moreover, police reports distinguish between cybercrime in the strict sense of the term and cybercrime in the broader sense of the term.

Cybercrime in the strict sense of the term comprises all attacks on data or computer systems using the information and communication technology. (e.g. data corruption, hacking DDoS attacks).

Cybercrime in the broader sense of the term comprises offences which use information and communication technology for planning and committing 'traditional' offences such as fraud, possession of child sexual abuse material, cyber grooming, or cyber bullying.

Cybercrime Competence Centre (C4)
The fight against cybercrime has top priority in criminal policing. As a result, the Cybercrime Competence Centre, in short C4, was set up at Criminal Intelligence Service Austria in 2011. Investigation experts, IT forensics experts and technology experts are employed there. C4 is the national and international central contact point and as such is responsible for digital evidence recovery and analysis, investigation related to cybercrime in the stricter sense of the word as well as the coordination of the fight against cybercrime. The C4 consists of three units, Core Responsibilities, Evidence Recovery and Investigations and also runs a Reporting Office.

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